This is vastly overpriced software with a pretty look and that’s reasonably functional. But this particular app, is a “BAIT and HOOK, in part because you’re looking at version 2, you download it and it tells you your disk has 27 gazillion gigs of BS on it. But if you download, it’s not really free and it’s not even a one time use. It’s a bait hook. If you want to clean it, you’ll have to pay to download the actual problem. It also has a habit of keeping its hook it when you quit, even if you do a force quit. It will end up running in the background and you’ll have to go to activity monitor in Utilities to shut it down.
If a utilities program is not smart enough to actually shut it down, I don’t want it. Funny that, MacPaws get upset with the idea you might be unhappy with its hooks and grabs.
Not even the current version. Version 3.0 replaced this one some time back. FWIW, I just don’t like the Chicken S+++ way they do business. Theyre worse than Adobe and that’s something for a 15+year of Photoshop and CS. The front end on version 3 looks nice, but it had limited functionality upgrades for a higher price. As someone who uses a lot of graphics software, i.e. DXO, Topaz, and a ton of others - I get more functionality for important things - and this pig sells for as much or more than some of the programs I really use a lot with huge functionality and don’t effectively take over my machine if I don’t suit their lordships at MacPaw.
I’ve really reached a point where I won’t go near MacPaws again - ever. I’ve been through three iterations of this and I’d probably miss it. I hate change for the sake of change. But worse, I hate utilities that built in blocks to functionality when you try to get rid of them.
MacPaws says 2.02 fixed some issues that made “some log in items disappear.” Too many things like that create real problems. If they haven’t, you’ve been lucky.